SB728 SFAT Trump #1 3-1

Schindzielorz  7892


Senator Trump moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:

Eng. Senate Bill 728—A BILL to amend and reenact §15-2C-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amend and reenact §15-12-2 of said code, all relating to requiring certain persons required to register with State Police to pay an annual fee; requiring registered sex offenders to pay annual fee; providing for use of fee by State Police to defray costs associated with monitoring sex offenders; providing that failure to pay annual fee shall not be deemed a violation of the person’s supervised release; and providing for recordation and indexing of nonpayment of annual fee which shall have the force of a judgment; requiring persons required to be placed on Central Abuse Registry to pay annual fee; providing for use of fee by State Police to defray costs associated with maintaining registry; providing that failure to pay annual fee shall not be deemed a violation of the person’s supervised release; and providing for recordation and indexing of nonpayment of annual fee which shall have the force of a judgment.


